




2019 电影 / 喜剧片 美国
2013 电影 / 恐怖片 美国
A Medieval Knight resurrects to fulfill his vow and bestow a blood-thirst vengeance upon the kindred spirits of those who betrayed him long ago. In the course of one night, identities will be revealed, destinies met, and a poetic justice of the macabre maniacally served. Here lies a tale of passion, loyalty, deceit, betrayal...and revenge. They were Warriors. They were Crusaders. Under the leadership of the righteous GREGOIRE, this band of brothers in the Holy Order of the Knights Templar selflessly fought back-to-back, defending GOD and the True Cross. Until one dark night of utter betrayal... Glorious was their victory that night, gold their find. The spoils were to be taken to their Grandmaster for use in furthering their Cause. Yet greed had infected one of their number - RENAULT - and under the influence of the demon of lust, he embraced and fiendishly persuaded others to help him carry out his nefarious plan of betrayal. Among those whose hearts he blackened was the already resentful MENAS, envious of his brother MELKON, the man famed as being both the greatest swordsman in all of Europe and the right hand of Gregoire. The following morning Renault's heinous plot went into effect and Gregoire, Melkon and their beloved steward KOKO were ambushed and executed for purposes of greed. But as he lay dying, Gregoire vowed his revenge. Ten lifetimes of excess Renault and his murdering compatriots would enjoy. And then he would return to deliver their souls to Hell for all of eternity. Ten lifetimes of excess... The centuries pass and after 700 years, the allotted time of the evildoers nears culmination. One dark, stormy night, the Crusader, upon his steed, resurrects to execute his pledge of vengeance upon the now kindred spirits of those who victimized him so very long ago. The stage is set for retribution as an eclectic group assembles at a secluded manor home under the guise of a promised fantasy weekend to fulfill personal desires. JAKE, the events coordinator will have his hands full playing host to his young guests; CELINE, the alluring and promiscuous Eastern-European, ASHLEY, the contemptuous yet beautiful socialite, AMY, the innocent and meek girl-next-door, HURCOS, the predatory Middle-Eastern playboy, and JAPONIKO, the uninvited and mysterious Asian minimalist. SHAUNA, the abrasive Irish cook, and her cohort in crime BENOIT, the bone-idle English caretaker, along with the enigmatic PRIEST and the benevolent SHOPKEEPER, round out this unusual and extremely colorful cast of characters. Jake assigns the position of assistant recreational coordinator to Amy, and as she reads from an obscure storybook, the tale of Gregoire and his righteous band of Templar Knights animates, and the story of betrayal is reenacted for the guests. Blood will flow excessively as the cursed and unsuspecting kindred spirits meet their imminent destinies one-by-one during the Crusader's maniacal reprisal.
1934 电影 / 喜剧片 美国
Nick和Nora 这对搞笑侦探夫妻档总是连手出击调查案件。这回他们要着手的是一位发明家失踪的案子,要找出为何会失踪,且失踪到哪里去了……?    相当成功地将喜剧和悬疑元素交融在一起。William Powell和Myrna Loy 饰演的夫妻档,是影史上第一对塑造成功的屏幕情侣组合!本片导演就是影坛上有『一次OK』之封号的 W.S. Van Dyke,本片他只花了两礼拜就拍摄完毕!由华人黄宗沾担纲摄影指导。本片独有的喜剧悬疑风,也成往后这类型电影的祖师爷。Albert Hackett和Frances Goodrich 根据 Dashiell Hammett 的小说改编成剧本。后来还拍摄了五部续集。
2020 电影 / 恐怖片 其它
A young nurse who returns home to find a maniac and his barely alive hostage there.
2016 电影 / 剧情片 韩国
Diamant   Earp   Kim   Kuciia   Naquan   Neon   Nick   Tami
Ultra Bleu follows Jim Park for the first 24 hours after a violent break up with his ex-boyfriend and how a chance meeting with a stranger reveals deeper issues he must confront.
2003 电影 / 剧情片 美国
Benoit   Burg   Cannon   Jackie   Jordan   Nick
巴里(尼可·斯彻金格 Nicole Scherzinger 饰)是校园里的风云人物,外号“皇后”,个性奔放热情又美丽的她身后追随者一大堆,可巴里根本不将这些傻男孩放在眼中。一天,巴里驾驶着母亲的车出去兜风,哪知道遇到了车祸,就在巴黎一筹莫展之际,学校里的怪胎男孩摩根(Gay Thomas Wilson 饰)出现在了巴里的面前,成为了她的救世主。  摩根虽然个性古怪,在学校里没什么朋友,但是聪明伶俐的他拥有一手出色的修车技术,可以救巴里于水火之中。于是,摩根和巴里达成了一个交易,他帮助巴里修车,而巴里则要在学校里假扮自己的女朋友,给自己“涨涨脸面”。
2022 电影 / 动作片 英国
贝姬与丈夫都是极限运动爱好者,然而在一次攀岩中,丈夫意外坠崖不幸丧生,这场灾难给贝姬的内心带来了巨大的创伤,她疏远了周围所有人,沉浸在失去恋人的痛苦中。  同样爱好冒险的亨特为了帮助闺蜜走出悲伤,邀请贝姬同去攀登一座高达610米的废弃电视塔,出于对丈夫的怀念和对自己的挑战,贝姬答应了亨特的邀请,谁知这竟成为了噩梦的开始。  成功登顶后,却遭遇年久失修的扶梯坠落,身下是万丈深渊,二人被困于塔顶的方寸之地,开始了一场心惊肉跳的绝境求生……
2014 电影 / 恐怖片 美国
在一个晴朗舒适的好时节,尼尔瑞家的两兄弟肖恩(巴勃罗·施瑞博尔 Pablo Schreiber 饰)、麦克(亚伦·斯塔顿 Aaron Staton 饰)以及麦克的妻子威特(瑞安·施密特 Wrenn Schmidt 饰)驱车来到某个静谧的自然保护区打猎。这里是两兄弟童年一曾玩耍的地方,而今物是人非,三人和谐融洽的表象下,总有暧昧尴尬的情愫流动。难熬的一天即将结束,他们相继入眠。当第二天醒来时,他们的帐篷、行李、刀枪乃至宠物狗均被人偷走,而且三人的额头上还被画上了叉。麦克怀疑肖恩从中搞鬼,更对哥哥和妻子之间的暧昧表示强烈不满。  他们在森林里彷徨无助地寻找归途,殊不知此时自己已经成为他人的猎物……
2019 电影 / 恐怖片 美国
The son of a sheriff falls in love with runaway bootlegger's daughter in the Appalachian mountains of Kentucky. After discovering a dark family secret, he is forced to choose between protecting his father or saving the girl he loves.
1985 电影 / 剧情片 美国
故事发生在美国西岸的一个小镇中,开发者的到来扰乱了当地居民的平静生活,他们企图将这片人们赖以生存的土地据为己有,对于居民们来说,流离失所的生活似乎在所难免。米奇(西恩·奥斯汀 Sean Astin 饰)和布莱登(乔什·布洛林 Josh Brolin 饰)是一对兄弟,一次偶然中,他们获得了一张年代久远的海盗藏宝图。这一发现让兄弟两人欣喜若狂,因为如果藏宝图所言不假,那么他们就能够守住他们的家园。  在朋友们的帮助下,兄弟两人找到了宝藏的入口,它不在别处,正在福瑞特利家的楼下。让众人感到十分头痛的是,这个福瑞特利家族在小镇上有着远扬的坏名声,当宝藏存在的消息不胫而走后,他们显然已经为了能够将其据为己有而展开了行动。
