




2022 电影 / 恐怖片 美国
影片讲述离婚不久的克里斯·戴克是一个富有的风险投资家,住在蒙大拿州自己设计的高科技房子里,在身体和情感上都受到保护,不受外界干扰。当他遇到斯凯时,他的生活发生了变化,斯凯是一个美丽、神秘的年轻女子,吸引他走出自己的舒适圈。  克里斯在一次暴力抢劫中受伤后,斯凯搬来照顾他,而她的真实目的很快就暴露了。克里斯成了一场精心策划的抢劫案的受害者,他突然成了自己家里的囚犯,得不到任何帮助,任由一个暴力的、心理不正常的杀手摆布,这个杀手打算夺走他的一切,也包括他的生命。当克里斯的前妻和孩子出现时,他们处于极大的危险之中,生存的唯一保证就是逃跑。
1988 电影 / 剧情片 法国
尽管玛丽(伊莎贝尔·于佩尔 Isabelle Huppert 饰)如今已是两个孩子的母亲了,可是从小没有接受过什么正规教育的她在心智上依旧犹如一个懵懂的孩童。玛丽的丈夫保罗(弗朗索瓦·克鲁塞 François Cluzet 饰)是一名士兵,在动荡的局势下,他被派往前线参加战争,至今未归,留下妻儿过着贫穷又困苦的生活。  玛丽帮助一个女人进行了堕胎手术并从中发现了商机,在那个年代,堕胎是违法行为,协助堕胎更是死罪一条,可迫于生活的压力,面对金钱的诱惑,玛丽还是干起了这违法又危险的工作。一次偶然中,玛丽结识了名叫卢锡安(尼尔斯·塔维涅 Nils Tavernier 饰)的男子,两人一见钟情,遂即展开了一段背德的爱情。没想到归来后的保罗识破了二人的奸情,愤怒的他向警方告发了玛丽的全部行径,玛丽将要面对的,是死亡的判决。
2017 电影 / 喜剧片 美国
Jamez Bond is the lead character in Spoof, a frustrated one, since he's not able to figure out a way to complete his famous sentence My name is..., before getting shot. Yep, this is the news finally, after 50 years, the gun in the gun-barrel sequence shoots our hero and several other challenges will arise, till the sky-fall... Leatherfaze from the Texas Chainzaw Mazzacre and the Alfraid Hitchcock silhouette, from the TV show will face no lesser complications in trying to turn a chainsaw on and in overcoming common fears, because the Master of Suspence will appear to be surprisingly more fearful than the victims in his movies... But he's in good company, since an animated Inspector Clouzeau, from The Pink Panfher's saga title sequence, won't prove to be brave enough in fighting a pink panther that's much wilder than we used to know... Rochy Balboa will show the other characters what it takes to fight your inner enemies, in Rochy vs Ranbo, but won't be prepared for an unexpected ...
1953 电影 / 战争片 美国
这是斯坦利·库布里克的第一部故事片。剧本出自他的高中同学、诗人Howard Sackler之手,拍摄资金也是库布里克自己筹措,大部分是向父亲、叔叔和朋友们借的。这部作品和库布里克以后的影片一样充满了超现实主义象征性,因此只有一家艺术片商愿意发行和放映,而库布里克认为此片只是一部实习作品,他只答应私下放映,并多次想将拷贝销毁。尽管如此,本片还是赢得了一些评论家的好评,尤其是在摄影方面。
2019 电影 / 剧情片 美国
哈威·凯特尔、连姆·麦肯泰尔、杰尼娅·塔纳瓦加盟新片[不久再相见](See You Soon,暂译)。影片由大卫·马赫毛迪亚首执导筒,讲述一个美国足球运动员因在2018年世界杯预选赛时受伤而无意间开启了一段浪漫情缘。片方称这部现代灰姑娘的故事是[风月俏佳人]与[金玉盟]的结合体。
1983 电影 / 剧情片 其它
哥伦比亚新浪潮导演Carlos Mayolo的长片处女作,一部哥特风格的幻想片,获葡萄牙幻想电影节最佳女主角和最佳影片提名。是导演向Roman Polanski的《Rosemary's Baby》致敬的作品。  Flesh of your flesh is a political allegory trhough a love story, framed into the magical colombian universe. In 1955, in the middle of a military dictatorship, a teenage girl seduces her brother and due to their incestous relationship the lovers are possessed by the ghosts of their ancestors. The two youngsters become vampirical and criminal creatures like those created by the colombian violencia, mingling with the mythological beings of the countryside like drafts and other ghost sowing fear into the heart of men.  Directed by Carlos Mayolo. Centers on a wealthy family fighting over the last testament of a just-deceased matriarch. From there, the family members are shown to have an incestuous relationship, and eventually vampires come into the picture, as well as unbridled slaughter.  Tropical Gothic Baroque. An extremely interesting film about La Violencia in Colombia which captures the strange social and political heterogeneity of this dark set of events. Mayolo developed his own aesthetic - partly in collaboration with filmmaker Luis Ospina and the late Andrés Caicedo - 'el gótico tropical' in order to convey this strangeness. The film combines local Colombian myths - caspi, la madremonte, el hojarasquin del monte - with themes of vampirism and incest to convey the place of La Violencia within a repetitive and cyclical history characterised by interpartisan conflicts that benefit the empowerment of the Colombian aristocracy.
2013 电影 / 恐怖片 西班牙
剧情围绕着男孩尼可(大卫·索兰斯 饰)的生活展开。尼可有着超乎常人的智力,他只对一件事情感兴趣,那就是下棋。卡洛斯(何塞·卡罗纳多 饰演)与科拉尔(玛利亚·莫林斯 饰演)是尼可的父母,他们看上去对儿子的反常举动担心不已。卡洛斯决定聘请一位儿童心理学家来帮助尼可。胡里奥·巴尔特兰(胡里奥·曼里克 饰演)通过下棋和尼可进行交流,他渐渐地潜入了这名男孩黑暗的内心世界,并且发现尼可的家庭关系并不像表面上那样简单。现在,留给他阻止邪恶彻底毁掉这个男孩的时间并不多了……
2021 电影 / 恐怖片 美国
Billock   Bolton   David   Flick   Megan   Rik
Following the death of their mother, four estranged siblings find themselves fighting for their inheritance and for their lives when an eccentric stranger arrives, claiming their famous haunted childhood home was left to her.
2015 电影 / 喜剧片 西班牙
We all have fantasies about fixing our lives once and for all, risking their all and getting away with it. This is the story of a group of youngsters who, as well as fantasize, get down to work. No plans of any kind and nothing to grab onto, this is how the story of these dreamers begins.
2003 电影 / 爱情片 美国
