二十八岁的凉夏(倪妮 饰)本以为一定能够和相恋了十年之久的男友茅亮(霍建华 饰)一起携手步入婚礼的殿堂,并且一直为了迎接两人盛大的婚礼而做着各种各样的准备,心中充满了对婚后生活的美好幻想。茅亮的公司正在进行着紧张的第二轮融资,事情进行的并不是非常顺利,凉夏对婚姻的渴望带给了茅亮巨大的压力。
某日,两人一起参加了凉夏闺蜜白晓柠(马苏 饰)的婚礼,经受不住婚礼上浪漫热烈的氛围,凉夏向茅亮逼婚了,让凉夏没有想到的是,茅亮竟然提出了分手的要求,巨大的打击之下,凉夏崩溃了。一场意外的发生让凉夏的心智返回到了十七岁的年纪,此时外表成熟内心却极为幼稚的她遇见了名为严岩(王大陆 饰)的男子。
Unlucky Dasha believes that it will help the online training - for a month visit the 30 dates, and then the man of her dreams will find her. Just to stay alive after a meeting with crazy cavalry and try to discern among them the perfect man.
Gwen Cummings is a successful New York writer living life in the fast lane and everyone's favorite party girl. She shares this roller-coaster lifestyle of hopping from dance club to bar to hangover with boyfriend Jasper-handsome, magnetic and equally attracted to life on the wild side. Life is just an exercise in debauchery-until Gwen's ungraceful display at her sister Lily's wedding, when she gets drunk, commandeers the limo and earns herself a DUI and 28 days in court-ordered rehab. There, Gwen comes face to face with a unique set of rules (like no cell phones) and rituals (like chanting) embraced by an assortment of fascinating fellow re-habbers Eddie, Gerhardt, Oliver, Andrea, Roshanda, and Billie Jean. A jaded city girl to the core, Gwen is determined not to conform. Then she meets Counselor Cornell, who begins to break through her carefully constructed defenses and force her to take a closer look at who she really is. Ultimately, through the companionship of! her group as well as a devastating loss, Gwen gradually loses her cynicism and begins the long struggle to take back her life. Maybe, she discovers, your insides can match your outsides.
这部泰国电影由《初恋那点小事》导演Pudipong Ponhomsaka执导,Slur乐队主唱型男Bei Arak与焦点话题绯闻女王Ploy Cherman领衔主演的《30
剩女待售》,将泰国剩女的窘迫形势一一道出。泰国“凤姐”杜琦继续在影片中发挥喜剧天分。在《初恋那点小事》中扮演翁老师一角的Jiab Pijidra Siriwechachapan,也将会在这部影片中扮演与女主角同病相怜的死党。
三十岁,一个女人一生中的分水岭,标志着女人正式从青涩走向成熟。阿查(帕特卡拉帕·齐恰亚 Patcharapa Chaichue 饰)即将迎来自己三十岁的生日,但她一点也不担心,稳定的工作和一个相爱多年注定要步入婚姻殿堂的男友,阿查觉得自己的生活堪称完美的典范。然而,就在生日那天,阿查一番关于未来的设想令男友感到了巨大的压力,这个不负责任的男人竟然提出了分手。就这样,在三十岁的那一天,阿查成为了剩女。
一次偶然中,阿查结识了名叫阿波(方帕·凡帕努 Phuphoom Pongpanu 饰)的年轻助理,阿查的自信和美丽很快就吸引了阿波的注意,令他产生了想要接近这位成熟女性的念头。可是,阿查和阿波之间横亘着的,是七岁的差距,在这样的差距面前,两人能够携手走向未来吗?