《KungFury》(中译名《功之怒》)是一部以80年代警匪片为背景,并包含了功夫、机器人、恐龙、纳粹、雷神、维京海盗、时空穿越、80年代电子游戏、80年代动作片、变种犀牛人等等等等元素于一体的名副其实的神片。众多的复古元素、高大上的特效、合不拢的脑洞和全程高能,好听到爆的80年代电子音乐,绝对让你在看完预告片后欲罢不能。 本片是David Sandberg自导自演的一部短片,2013年12月他在Kickstarter上发起集资,集资目标是20万美元,最终筹集到630,019美元, 但因为没有达到100万美元的长片集资目标,所以最后选择制作成30分钟的短片。
“Our mission is to protect the world from monsters and monsters from the world. But not to decide who is allowed to exist in the world.” Nelly has her own special way of seeing things. Where others are spooked, she remains unfazed. Monsters in the basement One more reason to check the place out! No friends Nelly will cope. Snooping around in Uncle Hannibal’s labyrinthine mansion, Nelly stumbles upon an incredible secret her family has been keeping the peace between humans, zombies, vampires and other gruesome creatures for decades, as members of an international brigade of monster agents. Nelly wants to hunt monsters too, and proceeds to stir up a fair amount of dust. But what if she has been misled about who is actually responsible for fear and scariness In this fantasy film, based on Martin Widmark’s book series of the same name, the pressure to conform is revealed as the true source of horror.